MVC templating is standard - the module comes pre-packed with 3 sub-templates that will fit most sites - they also serve as a great starting point if you want to create your own.

additional content options include pre-text, post-text and a custom link option at the bottom of the feeds block.there's an additional option to serve resized images using a remote image resizing service ( - powered by CloudFlare's CDN) for fast loading times and without stressing your server.extract and resize remote images for more layout control.show or hide the first image inside each feed content.combine multiple feeds into one output list.one input box for feeds enables you to add unlimited feeds per module instance.This feed cache is different to Joomla's cache, as you may need to have your site refreshed every 5 minutes, but have the feeds the module retrieves stored longer than 5 minutes. The feeds are stored inside your Joomla site's cache folder and refreshed in a specific time interval, which you set in the module's parameters. The 'Simple RSS Feed Reader' module is based on the same feed parsing engine that powers, the most popular Joomla news aggregator in the Joomla Community. You can even publish multiple feeds at the same time (meaning in the same module instance) and have them display combined!